The subsoil of Versilia

Mines in Valdicastello, the “Valle Buona” of Versilia

An area next to Pietrasanta known as Valdicastello Carducci has great importance, mainly due to its mineral-rich soil. In the past, these resources caused economic wars among the Lords of that particular period. This is attested by the forts built by Castruccio Castracani.
We are led to think the Etruscans forged weapons here to fight against Romans after that, ancient furnaces for the working of iron and big quantities of wastes were discovered.

Miniera di ValdicastelloIt is important to remember that in the First and the Second World War, these mines have provided large quantities of iron.

The minerals of this area are:
Argentiferous galena, hematite, magnetite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, barite, tetrahedrite and chromite.

To demonstrate the abundance of metalliferous veins, suffice it to say that 2,5/3 kg of silver per ton of “tout venant” have been extracted.
Pyrite is used for the manufacturing of sulphuric acid.
Barite is used for oil drillings thanks to its heaviness and its insolubility; it is useful for the construction of r

adiation protection systems and of the production of agrochemicals and paints.
Hematite and magnetite are necessary to metallic iron production.
Chalcopyrite, instead, is used for the production of copper.
Local tetrahedrite is rich of silver.

All the pictures of minerals included in this Website are taken from the private collection of Mr. Baldi Marco.

@ Pier Luca Mori 2025

Camaiore, Lucca (Italy)