Palio dei Micci

Popular traditions and ethnic allegiance. A challenge among “Contrade” (quarters).

Are you interested in spending a fabulous day among ladies and knights? Each first Sunday of May, in Querceta, you can assist to “Palio dei Micci”.
2500 characters make an amazing show, recreating an historical atmosphere that gives you great feelings.
Since several editions, the different “contrade” challenge each other on several points:
La sfilata in abiti dell'epoca.
Il tema.
I Tamburini e gli Sbandieratori.
La corsa dei Micci.

Palio does not only consist of a challenge among “contrade”, but it is also an event involving many and many participants of the different regions of Italy.
Palio will make you live many hours between fiction and reality, involved by the stories each “contrada” will create, based on events, localities and people really existed, but developed with fantasy and set in the time from the origins to the end of 1300.
During this performance full of colours, music, literary quotations, “tamburini” and “figuranti” parade in the track wearing beautiful dresses of that precise historical period.
At the end, donkeys ridden by riders, come to the scene.
They will try to win in a challenge made up by 6 rounds around the track.

- Cervia,
- Leondoro,
- Lucertola,
- Madonnina,
- Ponte,
- Pozzo,
- Quercia,
- Ranocchio

@ Pier Luca Mori 2025

Camaiore, Lucca (Italy)