
Viareggio, die Stadt der Karneval

Das vielbesuchte, traditionsreiche Seebad, die „Perle des Tyrrhenischen Meer“ erstreckt sich von der Migliarino Macchia bis Lido di Camaiore und schließt zwei ausgedehnte Pinienwälder und den schönen Massaciuccoli-See ein.

Berühmt sind seit Jahren kulturelle und volkstümliche Veranstaltungen, wie der Karneval, der Literaturpreis Viareggio, und die Puccini Opernsaison, die in Torre del Lago stattfindet, wo Giacomo Puccini eine Villa besaß und viele seiner Oper komponierte.

This helped the formation of an inhabited nucleus. In 1559 the first church was built. It was originally called San Pietro and later dedicated to the Santissima Annunziata.
Maria Luisa of Bourbon made a Iarge contribution to the urban development of the town. In 1820 a decree elevated it to the rank of city.
Paolina Bonaparte chose it as a holiday spot, and built herself a sumptuous villa which is still in existence.
At the beginning of this century, Viareggio hand on the physiognomy of a Liberty city, which was, unfortunately seriously damaged in the great fire of 1917.
The most important names of those involved in the reconstruction are Galileo Chini and Alfredo Belluomini, the one responsible for the urban Layout as it stands today, a grid of wide tree-lined avenues which reach the sea.

@ Pier Luca Mori 2025

Camaiore, Lucca (Italy)

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